During lockdown the Players carried on meeting through Zoom and read a play every Tuesday. They decided to record some plays written by local writers and here’s the last play in the series, Institute Destitute Substitute by Brampton writer, Nigel Banks.
The play, originally written for the stage and now adapted for radio, is set in a Cumbrian village hall. It features the unlikely meeting between Colin, a former college lecturer now a homeless vagrant, and Lydia, a hospital administrator and keen local W.I. member.
It has been recorded by Jordan Summers of 1Five Events. The Players are grateful to Create to Connect for their support.
To see all previous recording in this series please follow these links:
- The Number 47 Bus by Tash Binder,
- Strangers in Paradise by Kevan France
- The Drop by Tara Vallente
- The Village Weirdo by Hannah Sowerby
Hope you enjoy. If you’ve missed us, it’s your chance to catch up.