This classic play runs 17th-29th October and the casting evening is Wednesday 25th July, 7.30 at the Playhouse. If you want a part please come along, all welcome. Here are the notes from our Director John Davies:

This marvellous play needs no introduction. It is one of the purest gems in the crown of British theatre. All of its nine characters offer rich rewards to those who play them. The part of Lane, Algernon’s man-servant, will be played by Roger Bird, who will also be Stage Manager. Here are the other eight:

  • John Worthing: 29 years old (he says so!). An upright young man. The epitome of propriety and Victorian correctness.
  • Algernon Moncrieff: John’s younger brother (as we discover!). Charming, fond of the good life. Endearing rogue.
  • Rev. Canon Chasuble: Bachelor. Getting on a bit. Academic. Remote. A bit dotty.
  • Merriman: John’s Butler. Appears only in Act Two. An in-and-out part. The impeccable man-servant.
  • Lady Bracknell: She of the ‘hand-bag’ line! Described as a Gorgon by John Worthing. Formidable, to say the least. Of mature years!
  • Gwendolen Fairfax: Lady Bracknell’s daughter. Sweetness and light, but can deliver vitriolic lines when the need arises. Twenties.
  • Cecily Cardew: 18 years old. A child of nature. Romantic, imaginative. Unspoiled by city life. Lives in the country. Tutored in “Horrid Political Economy! Horrid Geography! Horrid, horrid German!” by Miss Prism.
  • Miss Prism: Spinster. Sweet on Canon Chasuble and just as dotty. Easily flustered. Absent-minded (we learn).

Wilde’s characters deliver his epigrammatic style with cut-glass precision. They have physical grace, and embody Victorian decorum.

Do please make every effort to attend the audition. It is so much easier to cast a play when all aspirant actors are present; it allows voice balancing, which is essential. However, if it really is impossible for you to be there on July 25, but you would like to be considered for a part, please contact me on 07775432208 or by email (preferably):

Looking forward to a production that will delight large audiences!

John Davies